A unique and original diagnostic and feed adjustment method based on the observation of cattle, sheep and goats: OBSALIM®.
For those who know how to read and interpret the signs displayed by farm animals, it becomes very easy to manage a herd profitably and without the occurrence of disease.
The OBSALIM® method is the key to this. OBSALIM® will teach you to recognise and interpret a large number of symptoms in the animals that are closely and accurately related to the digestion of their ration. Based on observation of the eyes, hooves, skin, hide, dung, urine and other indicators, you can establish a precise diagnosis of the nutritional condition and needs of the animal.
All of the OBSALIM® data is factual and is an essential part of observation in the field. The herd continually provides us with physiological signals that are easy to recognise.
Samples of observation:
After the 2 observation steps on the herd in general, (see homogeneity and the cross of the hock)
E.g. the presence of yellow scabbing or crystals: excess of degradable nitrogen ingested too quickly.
To make an accurate OBSALIM® Diagnosis, at least three symptoms should be used.
For cattle: the eyes or for sheep: greasy deposits in the wool.
E.g. Licking and pHG Zone (area behind the shoulder) active: pH drop in rumen: acidosis peak after eating.
For the complete method, see the notice included in the set of cards: click here or continue to read
to look to the différent areas and symptoms : click here, but don't forget the steps of the méthod to achieve a safe and succesful OBSALIM diagnosis
OBSALIM Diagnosis 1. Herd approach 2. Orientation 3. Rumen stability 4 Management of feed intakes |
Feeding adjustment 1. OBSALIM diagnosis 2. Examine the ration 3. Assess possible changes 4. Determine the best possible change 5. Validate the change |
1/ Assess the homogeneity of the herd:
→ If there is too much variation in condition between the cows in the herd, the cows are not adapting to
their living conditions. There is possibly room for improvement in feeding.
2/ Orientation : the cross of the hock:
→ Dirtiness under the horizontal hock line: evaluating the feeding is paramount.
→ Dirtiness behind the vertical line: there are issues with space and room to rest.
3/ Assess the rumen stability, after each meal or from one meal to another.
4/ Look for other OBSALIM® symptoms: choose the three most pronounced symptoms from three different areas to make the diagnosis by calculating the totals for the values of the correlating criterions.
Then you can use the set of cards and make your diagnosis by adding up the value for each OBSALIM criterion (fE, gE, fP, gP, fF,sF, sR)
Use OBSALIM® and find out for yourself...
Following are the 61 feeding symptoms, that are described in the set of cards, and more precisely in the book. They are classified by the observing areas.
Choice and click :
Hair, Skin , Cowpats, Urine, Eye, Nose, Foot, Food intake, Rumination, Milk, Reproduction, General, Behaviour and the Cross of the Hock
HG area / Hair crest / Spinal chill / Hair in swirls / Lack of structure in the coat / Blurred edges of markings
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Yelowish-brown coloration / Absence of yellow / Greasy skin / Dry skin
soft cowpats / liquid / with fragments of mucus / elastic / bubbling / changing / with short fibres
with fibres of more than 2cm / with cereal grains and fibres / evacuation lying down / during milking
Transparent urine / Yellow urine / Changing urine
Black crusts on the inside corner of the eye / Yellow crystals on the inside corner of the eye
Pale eye / Red eye
Protruding third eyelid / Swelling of the eyelids
Redness of the nose / Discharges from the nose / Nose stained / Pale nose
Haematoma / Redness of the claw skin fold / Ulcers on the sole / Hard sole
FOOD INTAKE: Cards N° 39 to 42
Total time spent eating, less than 5 hrs / Irregular food intake / Food intake during rumination
Less than 75% of the animals lyins down during the rumination phase at the beginning of the afternoon
Less than 40 chews movements during one rumination phase / More than 60 chews movements during one rumination phase
End of milking, takes too long / Slow preparation for milking / Large gap fat-prot / Small gap fat-prot
REPRODUCTION: Cards N° 50 to 52
Absence of cycling (with or without anoestrus) / Poor fertility /
GENERAL : Cards N° 53 to 57
Thin animals, loss of weight / Spine prominent / distended flank, persistent / Congestive or elimination disease
Animals excited / Animals very slow
CROSS OF THE HOCK: Cards N° 60 and 61
animals are durty under the line / animals are dury behind the line
method / 4 steps of the method / For CATTLE / For GOATS
Some of the symptoms are the same, and some more specifics are the following:
BEHAVIOUR: Cards N° 57 to 59
Excitement / Disturbed cudding / Slowness
animals are dirty under the hip cross
DROPPINGS : Cards N° 18 to 32
Sticking, soft / Shapeless / Increased size droppings / Changeable / Hard droppings / Mucus
Short fibres / Long fibres / grains in the droppings, without or with fibres / Lying down / during milking
Big heaps of droppings / Dark / Brown droppings
EYE : Cards N° 36 to 40
Black crusts / Yellow crustals / Eye pale / Redness
FEEDING: Card N° 48
Selective or refusal
FEET: Cards N° 45 to 47
Redness / Horizontal lines or break / Repulsive smell of the claw
GENERAL : Cards N° 51 to 56
Heterogeneous flock / Animals with hanging neck / General weakness / Weight loss / Congestive pathologies
HOUSING: Cards N° 60
Irritating smell
MILK: Cards N° 49 and 50
Cold teats / Week lambs
NOSE : Cards N° 41 to 44
Pink / Pale / Discharge / Stains of food
SKIN: Cards N° 11 to 17
Oozing deposits, inguinal / Absenc of yellow / Black deposits, inguinal / Parasites
Yellowish-brown coloration / Yellow deposits / Dry skin
WOOL-FLEECE: Cards N° 1 to 10
pHG area / Black ends of wool / Greasy fleece / Wet fleece / Open fleece / Dry fleece
Yellow brown deposits in the middle of the strands of wool / Wool breaking / Curled wool / Hair loss
method / 4 steps of the method / For CATTLE /
Most of the symptoms are the same, and some more specifics are the following:
BEHAVIOUR: Card N° 57 and 58
The goats are aggressive.
animals are dirty under the hip cross
DROPPINGS: Cards N° 12 to 26
Wet droppings
EYE : Cards N° 30 to 34
Black crusts / Yellow crustals / Eye pale / Redness
FEET: Shuffling during miking
GENERAL: Cards 49 to 56
Heterogeneous herd of goats / Spine prominent / Homogeneous herd, heavy / Homogeneous herd, thin
Tiredness / Congestion or Elimination pathologies
HAIR: Cards N°1 to 5
pHG Area / Hair crest on flank / Siny coat / Dull coat / Lack of structure
MILK: Cards N° 44 to 48
Inversion of values / Red udder / Weak kids / Soft curd
NOSE : Cards N° 35 to 37
Redness / Discharge / Dirty with food
RUMINATION: Cards N° 42 and 43
Teeth grinding during rumination / Frothing during rumination
SKIN : Cards N° 6 to 12
Yellow coloration/ yellow deposits / greasy skin / Dry skin
URINE : Cards N° 33 to 35
Transparent / Yellow / Changing
method / 4 steps of the method / For CATTLE / For SHEEP
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